CNR ( The Italian National Research Council (CNR) is the main public research organization of Italy. The CNR consists of about 100 different research institutes that span from human sciences to engineering sciences. The security group of the Institute of Telematics and Informatics Institute (IIT-CNR) in Pisa runs research and development activities in cyber-security. The group consists of about 20 persons, ranging from researchers to Ph.D. students and software engineers. The security group has a significant expertise on formal models for security and trust, secure software engineering, data sharing agreements, language-based security, usage control monitoring and enforcement, and study of security metrics and risk. They are currently leading the FP7 funded Network of Excellence of Engineering Secure Software and Systems (NESSoS). Moreover, they coordinate the CNR Interdepartmental Security Project, for the prevention of any action that may be harmful to society, humans, and organizations in Italy, with special emphasis to cyber security and critical infrastructure protection.